Advancing Equity in Special Education Protocols Amendment Act of 2024
To amend the Special Education Procedural Protections Expansion Act of 2014 to give a child with a disability with an individualized education program the right to remain in their initial placement feeder pattern unless there is no program available in their feeder pattern, to require that an LEA consult with the IEP team of a child with a disability prior to any change in the child’s service location, to require that an LEA provide a written explanation to the parent of a child with a disability before any change in service location for the child is made and explain why the special education services in the current feeder pattern cannot meet the child’s needs if the action removes the child from their current placement’s feeder pattern, and to require that an LEA provide a written explanation to the special education teacher in an affected self-contained special education program classroom, the parents of students in an affected self-contained special education classroom, and school administrators, describing the additional resources and personnel that will be allocated to a classroom when the student-to-staff ratio exceeds those ratios set by regulation.
Committee Referral:
Committee of the Whole